Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ho-Hum "Birther" Rhetoric Has Got To Go!!

Has anything caused more derisiveness lately than the reemergence of the “Birther” argument?  Donald Trump’s exceedingly unprofessional and arrogant approach to this issue appears to appeal to those who just plain don’t like Barack Obama, very possibly just because he is black.  It must seem to these people as if this is a ‘legitimate’ method to ensure he doesn’t run, and therefore, cannot be elected --- again.

This Snopes on Obama's Birth Certificate report contains any number of sound and logical reasons why the “Birther” movement should be put behind us altogether but, alas and alack, it persists.

If you follow Mr. Trump’s inflammatory statement made on the Anderson Cooper’s 360 on Monday night (April 25, 2011) “And a birth certificate is not a certificate of live birth, which is a much much lower standard as you know.”, then I am in deep trouble.  My own “Certificate of Live Birth” is the source document that I used to obtain my U.S. Passport, Drivers’ Licenses, Marriage License, and my Social Security Card.  If that document is a lesser standard and, therefore, unreliable, then I guess a whole lot of US citizens from many states are in the same boat as President Obama.

In less personal terms, I’m wondering what type of “Birth Certificates” all of the other candidates provided to the State Department along with their applications for candidacy.  The Senators who vetted the Electoral College during the election seemed not too concerned until after the election was confirmed.  Can someone tell me why Barack Obama should be held to a higher standard than any one else?  Is it because he is African-American or because he went to a Muslim school at some point?  Exactly what is it?

Let me make this perfectly clear, I am a registered Democrat and I didn’t vote for President Obama.  I voted for John McCain, despite the silly and unrealistic running-mate that he and his party chose.  I didn’t vote for President Obama simply because I felt he did not have sufficient experience to hold the job.  Apparently a plurality of voters thought differently, for whatever reason.  Therefore, he is now our duly elected official. Move on.

The rhetoric of the “Birthers” in general, and Donald Trump in particular, is detracting from the real issues of the 2012 election.  Those important and critical issues such as the budget, the deficit, immigration laws, tax reform, etc., etc., etc. are getting lost in the useless bruhahaha that is the on-going ‘birther’ argument.  Focus on what is real, and important, and what will ultimately define the potential candidates.  Please.

Mr. Trump and Ms. Palin, find a real and valid platform and stop making yourselves look like idiots and big-mouths.  Research, learn, speak to the issues.  Otherwise, you look like ignorant racists, not potential candidates.  Rise above it.  Please.

EDIT:  Maybe this will make it easier to move on, I hope:  White House releases Obama's long form birth certificate.

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