Thursday, April 07, 2011

The Congress and Business As Ususal

I am angry.  I'm angry that our elected representatives are using scare tactics, blackmail, and dubious motives in their attempts to get the 2011 Budget approved.  This is April 2011.  The budget should already be approved and we should be on to new business.  But, no...they are waging a political war at the expense of the people that they represent.

We are facing an unnecessary shutdown because each person involved wants to be seen as the "winner" and wants their "opponent" to be seen as the "loser".  In my book, you are all losers.

This is grade-school behavior, not leadership.  This is pandering to the basest instincts of human behavior, not leadership.  This is plain wrong. 

You all count on the general population not understanding what you are up to, and I suppose to a degree that is true.  The count on you, they trust you, they think they have elected someone who cares about them - and you are letting them down.

I will do everything in my power to make it clear to these trusting, kind, and naive voters that you, all of you, are laughing up your sleeves at them.  You are lower than low.  These believers in the system deserve more than you give them.  They deserve to be properly represented...and you are not doing that.  You are making a mockery of what the voters grew up believing was the best political system on the face of the earth.  You do not deserve their trust or their votes. 

I have my next next mission.  I intend to write, and write, and write until I can write no more.  I may not reach more than 1000 people, but how many can they reach? 

It is so over.

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