Friday, November 08, 2013

John Charles Thomas for IMDb

There is so much to say regarding Mr. Thomas that is needed for changes to IMDb listing which, for whatever reason, has been hi-jacked for another entertainer.  Because I wish to provided all necessary information in one place, I've decided to post to my Blog (which hasn't been used for much of anything of late) so here it is.

Mr Thomas's 1922 Passport Application includes an affidavit from his parents which indicates his actual birth date is September 6, 1890 and contains a photo which clearly reflects a person other than that whose photo has been added to IMDb.  While some of the other resources indicate a birth year of 1889 and 1891, it would seem that the Passport Application and attendant Affidavit of birth should supersede other online info.  See:

The California Death Index lists his death date as 13 December 1960.  See:

Further his listing at Hollywood Walk of Fame tends to confirm that the information provided by Kaiser is not for John Charles Thomas.  See:  

This Post About John Charles Thomas at Get Satisfaction  indicates the breadth of the problem.  The birth/death information needs to be corrected and ALL of the photos related to Joseph Toner need to be removed.  The thread contains a lot of research provided by Maggie Dwyer which also serves to substantiate this request to have info changed as well as having all of the photos removed.