Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Whatever Your Party, Your Responsibility Is To The Country

UPDATE April 6, 2011:  I and hundreds of thousands of others are getting angrier by the minute.  Posturing and rhetoric will not relieve you of your duty to the people you represent.  There should be NO discussion of a 2012 Budget until such time as you pass the 2011 Budget. 

I further propose that ALL members of Congress remain in session 24/7 and that all members be required to be in their respective seats until such time as they manage to reach an accord and pass a 2011 Budget.  Further, if the members of Congress fail to pass the 2011 Budget thus creating a Shutdown of Federal Agencies and a Furlough of Government Employees, all members of Congress should continue to work 24/7 without pay until such time as the Budget is passed.  

Ladies and Gentlemen of Congress:

This is the Oath of Office you have all taken:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God

Do you see anywhere in that oath mention of party loyalty, donor allegiance, lobbyist alliance, or anything of the sort?

Honorable, responsible, fair, integrity, respect, honest, ethical, scrupulous, purposeful, resolute, trustworthy.....those are the attributes we expect from our representatives and seldom, if ever, find.  These are the 'lofty ambitions' you should be working towards, not money, or re-election, or power, or any of the hundred other things you appear to have on your collective minds other than the business of this country.

Perhaps you all need to re-visit your obligations to those you represent.  You'll never make everyone happy and content, but you do need to make the effort to do what is in the best interest of the people.  Make a wholehearted effort to get the job done.  Put pride aside and find a solution.  THAT is what you are being paid to do, THAT is why you were elected, THAT is your charge.

Are you up to it?  I, and millions of others, sure hope so.  Because if you cannot dig into your conscience and find the means to take care of business with honor, responsibility, integrity, respect, honesty, ethics, purpose...then we as a nation are lost. 

I must do something" always solves more problems than "Something must be done."  ~Author Unknown

Monday, March 07, 2011

Dogs , Spring, and My Lack of Motivation

It took me quite awhile (can you say almost a year) to figure out how to get that Google Search Box out of the middle of my posting area so I could post.  Well, that's as good an excuse as I can come up with right now.

But, here I am.  Sitting on the downstairs couch with the two 'new' pups sleeping loudly at my side.  They are really cute, sweet dogs but they will never live up to Miss Shadow in my book.  Still miss the old girl, a lot.  Besides, we grew old together and these pups are young and energetic while I am not. 

It poured last night, then sleeted, then iced.  Yucky stuff that.  This morning, however, is bright, sunny, windy, and cold; this weather is not conducive to getting me off my butt and doing all of the "Spring" chores that I should be doing.  I'm content to waste time fiddling on the computer, drinking coffee, and well, doing not much.  No motivation. 

Where is it, that motivation?  Where is it hiding?  How can I find it? Sigh.  My big challenge for the day.  At least I figured out how to get rid of that Google Search Box in the middle of my posting area.  Now THERE is an accomplishment!!  See,  I am doing something.